Monday, October 19, 2009

"communism is like the church"

Bob Roberts

A sample of his preaching, I took notes so I would be more disciplined ;)

  1. Integrity
  2. How do you handle money
  3. Read moments accurately- when to speak- not to speak
  4. Disapline yourself relentlessly
  5. Overflow with generosity- not only about your thing
  6. Keep your motives Pure
  7. Create Unity Constatly
  8. Work Hard- willing to do what it takes
  9. Trust God

Jill my roommate has a dad that has a church, Northwood, I visted about two weekends ago. They work extensively with Vietnam. She has grown up with a understanding of that culture, and this past summer as well as other times before she has served and been a witness to the people that she encountered.

Vietnam sent diplomats over to the church- and it was a big day for Jill and her family. What was neat was the connection that might go down with Baylor. Baylor sent some Deans up to meet them. I rode up with Dean Garland of social work. Let me tell you how freakin excited I was when I figured out who we were riding up with. This lady is a BIG deal at Baylor, her husband happens to be the interum pres currently. I got a good dose of Baylor politics as well as conversation about things that social work majors do. I understand bethany, eva, bethann, andrea, and LM so much more now.

She is legit. And again I felt legit to be sitting at a table with some extreamly high up diplomats of Vietnam as well as the deans of Baylor. This one in particular said "the church is like communism- you sign up to serve". I don't think I agree- but this picture says he is a fun guy at heart. yeeehaw cowboy- yeeehaw.

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